Monday, February 22, 2010

Smh...what would you do if your ex was a kiss and tell....and then some!

Well this would be the expression used to describe the infamous John Mayer! Who would have known? Not me! I read his interview with Playboy Magazine recently, and I have to admit I felt flabagasted! I felt like I was reading the words of someone that must have been high (and I don't mean on life!) whatever I was thinking while reading can be summed up to me coming to terms with the stark difference in reality and the picture I had somehow formulated of the type of person I thought he was! (without ever meeting him...) BTW pple I strongly urge you if you hadn't already to completely separate your musical likes and dislikes with the people or person delivering the music!

From using the n-word, to fully launching operation kiss n tell to likening his dick to a white supremacist John Mayer equals not what I think/thought! Apparently he has had a reputation for being a douche (something again that I never knew) but I don't think I'd have crucified him for that. Anyway, as I stated before after reading the full interview, the question came to mind, how would I feel if I had an ex who told all to Tom, Dick, Harry AND Wilemena. I mean talk about invasion of privacy!
Now it seems to me that John is giving Jessica three thumbs up which I guess can be taken as a compliment but WHAT IF he was giving her bad reviews in public, would that make his comments less appropriate?! Do you think the type of review given determines how the ex feels? Anyhew ladies, give me your take!
Here's some of what John was saying:

PLAYBOY: You were addicted to Jessica Simpson?
MAYER: Sexually it was crazy. That’s all I’ll say. It was like napalm, sexual napalm.
PLAYBOY: But before you dated her you thought of yourself as the kind of guy who would never date Jessica Simpson.
MAYER: That’s correct. There are people in the world who have the power to change our values. Have you ever been with a girl who made you want to quit the rest of your life? Did youever say, “I want to quit my life and just fuckin’ snort you? If you charged me $10,000 to fuck you, I would start selling all my shit just to keep fucking you.”
PLAYBOY: So at this point—
MAYER: Pardon me for interrupting. I love Jen so much that I’m now thinking about how bad I would feel if she read this and was like, “Why are you putting me in an article where you’re talking about someone else? I don’t want to be in your lineage of kiss-and-tells.”

Now it seems to me that John is giving Jessica three thumbs up which I guess can be taken as a compliment but WHAT IF he was giving her bad reviews in public, would that make his comments less appropriate?! Do you think the type of review given determines how the ex feels? Anyhew ladies, give me your take!


  1. John Mayer is hilarious... Kinda like a car accident in slow motion: something straight out of Final Destination. He was completely incoherent. One second he says his dick is a racist, then says black women are gorgeous. He says he doesn't want to reduce Jen Anniston to a notch on his belt, while he is doing EXACTLY that. The guy is obviously insane.

    On to the actual topic, I don't think it matters whether one gets a "good" or "bad" review. Sex is private. Even if the relationship doesn't work out, at a point in time, it did and that time should be respected. This goes both ways, by the way, cos I know too many girls going on about their exes' "sizes"- and I reaaaally don't need to know that.

  2. so does this mean you never give great reviews after some great sex? cuz i have to confess- guilty as charged, while i don't think i talk about size i do talk about some good sex, i can't help it, only with my bff's but i do spill the beans...

  3. I like how F an M is like, the guy is OBVIOUSLY insane! lol, i watched the apology that he gave and I too, am convinced that something possibly mental is wrong with the dude, it's just not normal! i agree that sex is private, but i do share with my best friends in that department, FOR SURE! it may not be everytime, but my friends and I DO NOT back away from a sweet juicy conversation about sex... LOVE TO TALK ABOUT IT!


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